Tuesday, July 07, 2009


This goes back at least five or six years when Jack and I would meet with writers in the backroom of the Take-One Bookstore (long defunct) in Westwood. These were informal, free gatherings where we heard all sorts of stories, met all kinds of people and made some good friends.

In this particular clip, an endearing young woman pitches a rather cryptic musical. It's one of my favorite memories from these sessions. I never saw this woman again and don't know what happened to her screenplay - though I can guess.

Thursday, July 02, 2009


While I was away, I had a baby, shot a documentary and co-produced THE COLLECTOR. The project was developed under the title THE MIDNIGHT MAN. It sold to Dimension and was produced under its auspicies. It was shot in Louisiana in 2008. Later, Mickey Liddell bought the completed film from the Weinsteins. THE COLLECTOR is being distributed on 7/31 via Freestyle Releasing. I blogged about this project in 2006. It's taken four years to see this small movie through to completion. Read about its origins here: http://twoadverbs.blogspot.com/2006/05/midnight-man.html

See the trailer for:


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